3-2-1: How do I help my child develop a personal relationship with Jesus?

Caleb Leng and Megan Yvonne • Jun 12, 2023

Straits Times featured property advisor & partners at HomesWithPurpose.sg

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We all desire for our children to develop a personal relationship with Jesus, but sometimes we may wonder how to help them in this journey of faith.

Here are three simple truths we are learning and how you can consider putting it across in a
child-friendly way.

3 Bible Perspectives We Are Learning


Read bible stories with them & pray together

  1. Encourage your child to talk to Jesus and read cool stories in His special book. Let them know that they can talk to Jesus like how you talk to a friend.

    Encourage them to pray simple prayers from their heart, sharing their thoughts, feelings, and desires with Him.

    Model to your child the importance of spending time with Jesus through prayer and reading the Bible. Help them discover the joy of studying God's Word, seeking wisdom and guidance from its teachings.



Cultivate a spirit of worship, sing & worship with them:

Create opportunities for your child to experience the presence of God through worship, Encourage them to express their love and adoration for Jesus in their own unique way, whether it's singing, playing instruments or simply praising Him in their hearts.

Model to them that worship is not just a Sunday activity but a way of life.

Child-friendly version:

"You know how sometimes you feel super happy and just want to sing and dance? Well, you can do that for Jesus too!

Sing songs of love and praise to Him. You can even use instruments or just clap your hands. When we worship, it makes Jesus really happy!"



Foster a supportive Christian community

Surround your child with a community of believers who can support and encourage their faith journey.

Involve them in age-appropriate activities like Sunday school, youth groups, or Christian camps, where they can build relationships with other children who share their faith.

Provide opportunities for them to serve others and experience the love of Jesus in action.

2 Life-Giving Quotes From Others


"You weren't created to give partial attention to a million things. It robs you of your focus, limits your creativity, + compromises your peace. Choose on thing & give it undivided attention.

You will find delight in your doing, increased productivity as you prioritize, and reinvigorated passion that can only be discovered when you dig past the surface.

God can handle what your hands aren't holding while you focus.

- Cleerelystated



"Fear looks down, anxiety looks around but faith looks up. When you find yourself lost in your purpose, be reminded that your worth is not in what you do, but in whose you are

- Caleb & Megan

1 Question To Ponder

How can we create a daily (or weekly) routine that incorporates prayer, Bible study, and worship, allowing dedicated time for our child to develop a personal relationship with Jesus?

Thought For The Day

Helping our child develop a personal relationship with Jesus requires intentional but gentle guidance, a nurturing community, and an environment that fosters spiritual growth.

Let's Pray!

Heavenly Abba, we seek your wisdom to guide our child into a personal relationship with Jesus.

Reveal to my spouse and I afresh what it means to be loved into a relationship and may we encourage our in prayer and Your Word.

Cultivate in my family a spirit of worship starting with me, and surround my child with a supportive Christian community.

In your special time and way, lead them closer to you and experience the joy of knowing Jesus personally. In His precious name, we pray. Amen.

Until next week,

Remember that you are greatly blessed, highly favored, deeply loved & completely protected!

Caleb, Megan & Isaac ("Minipotato")

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At Homes With Purpose, our vision is to witness every profitable property transaction contributing to community welfare and supporting ministries. 

Since 2008, Megan Yvonne from Homes with Purpose has collaborated with MNCs, SMEs, and Health Care Institutions to provide education to working parents, business owners, and busy professionals. 

This includes individuals such as doctors, lawyers, C-suite executives, and entrepreneurs, helping them systematically grow their wealth through property investments while having surplus to give back. 

To date, Megan's guidance has benefitted over 8,673 real estate professionals, families, and investors in Singapore. 

Notably, she was featured in the Straits Times, and her husband Caleb was recognized on Salt & Light as part of the organizing team for the N5 Community conference.

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